Whether you have acquired a business or been acquired, we help you maximise value through better collaboration.
Help you may need
Post merger integration, optimise growth synergies, drive organisational effectiveness and associated cost rationalisation, navigate a new environment post-sale, establish the cultural connections, mediation of key stakeholders.
Post merger integration, optimise growth synergies, drive organisational effectiveness and associated cost rationalisation, navigate a new environment post-sale, establish the cultural connections, mediation of key stakeholders.
What we've done
Integrated an acquired software business into a large corporate network. Clarified the proposition, actioned cross-selling opportunities, restructured the company. Over two years increased revenue by 25% and profit by 50%.
Integrated an acquired software business into a large corporate network. Clarified the proposition, actioned cross-selling opportunities, restructured the company. Over two years increased revenue by 25% and profit by 50%.